A ring road for Pune has been sanctioned. It is a whopping 118 km in length, six lanes, two lane service road on either
side, 12 flyovers, 4 railway bridges, 7 big bridges over
valleys, 14 subways, and 13 tunnels (Source: Ringroad article, Sakal Property
supplement, 19/5/12 by Santosh Shaligram).
Overtly looking at the present situation with congestion the
ringroad sounds necessary. But let’s look at the proposal in detail. Take a
look at the map below. I mapped it in Google Earth based on the description and
map in the original article.
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Proposed Ringroad for Pune |
The grey area is the actual urbanized area of Pune and Pimpri-Chinchwad. The yellow line towards the left of the city is the NH4 bypass. Most of the proposed ring road passes through villages and small towns way beyond the city development and the border.
There is no doubt that the road will provide a huge impetus for
growth in the small towns like Alandi, Loni Kalbhor etc. But how is this going to
help decongest the already built out areas within the Pune city? Only a
fraction of people currently living in the city will move out to these areas. Most
of the growth will be due to migrants from other towns in the state and beyond.
De-congestion is given as one of the prime reasons in the article for the
proposal of ring road. If one studies examples of other cities which have built
ring roads, one will understand how and if they have really helped decongest
the city itself. Sadly the answer is NO.
Ahmedabad is a classic example of ring road development. It is built over a period of
time over a series of ring roads. Yet the city itself is as congested as ever. Still
one could argue that it works for Ahmedabad not for the decongestion reasons
but as a way to accommodate future growth.
Ahmedabad and Pune are different in one main respect. Topography. Being in the hilly Maval region, Pune is bound on the west by the Sahyadri mountains. This means you cannot impose a ring road and the kind of all over development generates around it. In this proposal, the south-west section of
the ringroad, passes through hills and forest department land and is
going to be a threat to the environment (refer map).
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Proposed ringroad over the hilly region in the south and west |
It is more likely to cause leapfrog development. Further, the article does not discuss if and whether the new land is going to be re-planned for development through mechanisms such as town planning schemes. There is a big chance that the new development will look like the banal concrete towers and unplanned sprawl which one witnesses around the NH4 bypass today. One also needs to consider the additional cost of planting other infrastructure such as water, sewage and electricity lines which would need to be extended up to the ring road zone. Ahmedabad ring road development plan has incorporated town planning schemes as well.
Let me make my point clear. I am not against a ring road. I am
against the problems it is set to address. ‘Congestion’ being the prime one. The
more roads we build the more traffic they will generate. This is an established
fact. People tend to buy more personal vehicles and travel more generating more
traffic than the designed capacities creating need for expansion of the roads or building new ones. One can notice that many roads
in the old city have been expanded and yet congestion has remained or has in fact increased.
In a fast urbanizing country like India with a huge
population, building new roads will never really solve the problem of
congestion in the cities. Contrary to this belief, the only answer is creating
denser, compact centers and nodes in the city interconnected by quality mass
transit such as metro rail, BRT, feeder buses. The personal transport should
primarily compose of bicycles than two wheelers or cars. This means designing the cities for people than for the personal vehicles. Many European and even American cities are trying to realign their road network towards such sustainable transit options.
Now the question of accommodating future growth is a critical issue and needs to be handled with extreme sensitivity in the Indian urban context. Ring roads are certainly not the best way. This is a time tested and proven fact. Ideally, a city like Pune should set up an urban growth boundary. This will ensure quality life and amenities for its residents. The growth can be redirected to the surrounding smaller towns such as Daund which has rail connectivity to Pune or Saswad, Rajgurunagar etc. which can be connected via better rail or public transport. This option is much different and sustainable than building a 118 km long ring road for the city to leap out of bounds. It also could be an ideal solution for a city surrounded by hills and mountains like Pune. From an urban real estate point of view as well it could work better with good opportunity for development in the surrounding towns. In future, all these surrounding towns could be considered as a part of metro Pune.
Now the question of accommodating future growth is a critical issue and needs to be handled with extreme sensitivity in the Indian urban context. Ring roads are certainly not the best way. This is a time tested and proven fact. Ideally, a city like Pune should set up an urban growth boundary. This will ensure quality life and amenities for its residents. The growth can be redirected to the surrounding smaller towns such as Daund which has rail connectivity to Pune or Saswad, Rajgurunagar etc. which can be connected via better rail or public transport. This option is much different and sustainable than building a 118 km long ring road for the city to leap out of bounds. It also could be an ideal solution for a city surrounded by hills and mountains like Pune. From an urban real estate point of view as well it could work better with good opportunity for development in the surrounding towns. In future, all these surrounding towns could be considered as a part of metro Pune.
I am talking of development and expansion as well but in a very different sense. The roads surrounding the congested city center and other areas could be unified and the connections can be made smoother to be designated as ring roads, which in real sense would help alleviate congestion.
As of now it looks like the biggest beneficiaries of the ring
road are going to be the developers.
Nice blog. You ask all valid questions.
Its mid 2013 and nothing has come up.
Underground Metro in congested areas of Pune & Elevated in the outer parts of the city is the only solution.
Problem of vehicles crawling bumper to bumper & heavy traffic on almost every road broad or otherwise is not going to be solved with Ring roads, Fly overs HCMTR (High Capacity Mass Traffic etc.
Our town planners must see Hongkong, Dubai & London.
Ring Road construction will help peoples who commute In & Out to the Pune city. presently it is easy for government to acquire land and constructing Ring - Road in the periphery of congested city area. you can't apply any Master plan in any city by demolishing of all the structures as we experiencing in Delhi. Nectar is that Ring Road is back bone of any metro city its eagerly required for Pune city.
Ring Road construction will help peoples who commute In & Out to the Pune city. presently it is easy for government to acquire land and constructing Ring - Road in the periphery of congested city area. you can't apply any Master plan in any city by demolishing of all the structures as we experiencing in Delhi. Nectar is that Ring Road is back bone of any metro city its eagerly required for Pune city.
The blog is nice but the idea of the blog is very wrong. The ring road is not being built to de-congest city traffic, it is being built to divert traffic which is not intended for Pune. Even if the diameter of the ring was smaller, people would not have used it to reduce the traffic loads in the heart of the city.
As many people have stated, mass transport is not even a solution for this problem. The development of mass transport systems result in even more traffic congestion and by the time they are functional, the situation of the traffic has either gotten worse or is on the verge of getting worse.
However, constructing a ring road is advantageous in terms of city expansion and localized migrations. It is a good initiative to push the city boundaries outwards. A good example would be the development of Bangalore. At first they developed the first ring road (now called the inner ring road). People started to settle around it and once the population density increased, they developed the second ring road (now called the outer ring road). Another example lies in Pune itself - till the time the express way by-pass came up, parts like Aundh, Baner and Pashan were sparsely populated. After the development of the by-pass, the picture is a whole lot different.
Till the time population density increases and people migrate from small towns to cities like Pune and Bangalore, the only thing one can do is to expand the cities to accommodate the influx.
Thanks for your comments.
Subhadeep Ghosh: Mass transport is internationally recognized answer to alleviate urban congestion. I do not understand how mass transport will result in even more traffic congestion. Example: Delhi metro has drastically reduced the traffic congestion in the city.
Obviously a ring road is going to bring about development as it did in Bangalore or Delhi or what happened around the Pune expressway bypass. My argument is that in this particular proposal it is likely to cause leapfrog development which is not very good.
Lastly, your about your point of expanding the cities to accommodate the influx. Yes planners and governments need to come up with wise strategies to accommodate the influx but they also need to make sure that the influx is curbed and checked. The solution for this is not to encourage growth of already big cities like Bangalore, Pune etc. but provide impetus to small towns around these cities and even further in the hinterlands. Otherwise what you may see Bangalore becoming like Mumbai where the rate of migration is so high that 60% population lives in slums.
This ring road construction will solve the congestion issue since it will avoid the passing by traffic not entering into the city. For e.g. Heavy vehicles coming from Solapur and going to Mumbai will not enter the city because of this ring road. That is why ring roads need to be little outside of the current urbanized part looking at the future growth possibility.
@Sanjay - Completely agree. But look at what has happened with the Mumbai - Satara road bypass. Leapfrog development will eventually swallow such a ring road faster than one can imagine, soon demanding another ring road. In my opinion (and also as per modern sustainable planning theories) real solution to congestion lies not in building more roads but by making a drastic shift towards mass transit. Taking your point ahead building roads for through traffic convenience sounds reasonable but adding roads/ring roads for alleviating existing traffic congestion is a false strategy.
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